Service Providers Forum

Small Leaks in Plumbing
cgg90210 - 29-1-13 at 01:28 AM

Just a heads up to everyone. When you are dealing with a small leak on the piping, pvc, copper or whatever, the use of helium is highly recommended. Helium is the second smallest molecule next to hydrogen meaning it escapes a small leak easier than compressed air or water. Point in case, I've been useing nitrogen on most pools to conserve helium becausee of the cost and helium shortage. I spent a good two hours listeneing for good sound on a suction line leak on a copper pipe. The run between two skimmers and the Ortega valve was around 150'. No sound with nitrogen. Switched to helium and had great sound in an area where no pool plumbing should have been. After the fact, the home owner told me the equip was re-located many years ago and appolgized for not telling me sooner!!!!!!!!! Long story short, was one for the books and for all of us, even if you don't have a helium detector, helium can make a tough location easier just by sound. Happy Hunting

4Leakman - 17-2-13 at 10:19 PM

If I am called in to find leaks at the molecular level I just get back into the truck and move on!

cgg90210 - 30-3-13 at 01:49 AM

Funny, I agree. Point being helium makes better sound. I would rather spend a little more money on helium in order to pin-point the leaky pipe in a shotrer amount of time.;)

AquaticLeakDetection - 11-8-13 at 10:02 AM

I agree helium works great for small pool leaks in plumbing. I carry it and it is worth the money.