Service Providers Forum

U2U messages!!!
4Leakman - 26-12-12 at 06:35 PM

Here's hoping that everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family as be begin to look forward to a new year.

I am wondering if everyone is having the same issues that I am with the U2U messages here. I just erased 70 of them and that is about an average week. We obviously have a spammer that has gained access to the site and needs to be removed from the site.

Or is it just me?

Happy New Year!!! :D

brrscuba - 26-12-12 at 09:03 PM

It is not just you,(I got 199 messages from the spam man) Lance is working on this problem,
You can go to the U2U control panel and block the offending screen names from being able to send any messages to you

Sdewolfe - 27-12-12 at 04:32 PM

My inbox:

No U2Us found.


professionalpoolcare - 29-12-12 at 09:04 AM

Weird I have no spam in mine. Just a couple old ones from real people in here.

1215 - 15-2-13 at 08:04 PM

i just checked my u2u notifications and had like 80 over 3 months. When I clicked the link I got and error signal from u2u box. ?

4Leakman - 17-2-13 at 10:06 PM

44 as of tonight

brrscuba - 18-2-13 at 04:29 AM

To stop u2u messages, go to the u2u page, at the upper right is an IGNOR LIST, enter the offending user names with a comma between each one and after the last one and they will no longer be able to send you messages

PS: To 1215, welcome back Allen, hope you are well;)

4Leakman - 24-2-13 at 11:24 AM

Works great until they add a new name to aggravate us with but it is easy enough to ignore that name also!

Thanks for the heads up in Groton. Some heavy duty work needed to straighten out their problems!