Service Providers Forum

"Stop Leak" Products
cgg90210 - 5-11-12 at 10:59 PM

I ran accross a web-site that promised their product could seal underground leaks in copper and pvc pipes. I'm a little skeptical, has anyone had any experience with related materials or heard any feed back? Thanks,


brrscuba - 6-11-12 at 08:29 AM

I have had good results with the Fix A Leak product. Not something I use often, but sometimes customers don't want or cannot afford to open up a fancy granite or marble deck to fix a leaking pipe. Works best on return pipes, if used on a suction line you need to reverse the flow in the pipe so it circulates under pressure.


cgg90210 - 12-11-12 at 06:53 PM

How big of a leak will it "plug"? Reversing flow is no biggie, just want to know how big/small leak has to be and how long to warranty... Thanks Bruce

brrscuba - 14-11-12 at 07:58 AM


I only use it on small leaks, but MFG states it can seal up to an 1/8" leak.
As for warranty?? I do not warranty this, I think of it as a no dig solution that usually lasts several years and may need retreatment. I make it clear to the customer that to get a 100% guarantee, they must dig and fix it right.


cgg90210 - 25-11-12 at 05:12 PM

Thanks Bruce