Service Providers Forum

vinal patch repair
leakpronj - 12-6-12 at 02:24 PM

having problems w my patches . i cant get t edges of t patch to stick to t liner. i clean t area put glue on new patch n dive back down n install, i get t patch to stick n seal t leak but t edges dont stick ,looks like [Censored] . i also tried t new peal n stick patch that didnt stick at all .

ChuckGeo - 12-6-12 at 02:29 PM

The patches have to be perfectly flat to adhere all over. I keep mine in a "wallet" that I made out of 2 pieces of cardboard, about 10" X 10", hinged at one end with packing tape and a spring clip at the other end to keep it closed. The last one I made I sprayed the cardboard with clear paint to make it a little water resistant and more durable. Keeps them nice and flat, though.

leakpronj - 14-6-12 at 06:38 AM


brrscuba - 15-6-12 at 09:23 PM

Scotchbrite the area before applying the patch is the key to a good bond, use a squeegee to get all the excess glue and water out from under the patch, work fast, boxer dries fast, if an edge is loose, take the dauber of glue down and apply a little more glue to it and squeeze it flat, also the scotchbrite pad is great at cleaning up any ugly glue that squeezes out the edges of your patch
All this is a lot easier if your are on the pool diver air compressor or scuba

4Leakman - 19-6-12 at 04:43 AM

Although I am rather light (;) cough, cough) I find that standing on a fresh patch for several seconds after application will usually convince it to stay in place.

trackerm - 20-6-12 at 08:24 AM

what adhesive are you using? boxer works great underwater... the stuff they sell in teh 10 dollar patch kit is crap. hh66 works better above water.

leakpronj - 24-6-12 at 08:11 AM

im using hh66 read some good things on boxer

brrscuba - 24-6-12 at 07:18 PM

HH66 is only for dry application, it is a contact cement to be applied to each surface, allowed to dry and then the surfaces can be joined and pressed together
Underwater rips should be repaired with Boxer glue, Boxer is a solvent based glue that works well underwater