Service Providers Forum

possible structure leaks?
smartpoolservice - 30-10-11 at 10:22 AM

Pool has been old for 30 years, and acid wash has done 3 times during that period. There are hairline cracks(4 locations) to be specific as follow; 4 spots(locations) , each spot looks like starfish and total length is about 100 inch.
These hairline cracks of the length causes the structure leaks?

Thanks for the enthusiasm from all the members

4Leakman - 7-11-11 at 09:51 PM

It's possible, but then again, so is anything else. That is why you have to show your expertise and either dive in and dye test, use a hydrophone to listen or go through a plethora (I love that word) of tests to prove or disprove where the leak actually is.

Poolman - 23-12-11 at 11:07 AM

Irish divers were amazed to find the pool on the Titanic still intact and holding water..............:mad: :)